Extra Curricular Clubs
At Barn Croft we offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs to enrich children’s experiences at school. Clubs are run by school staff and every child has the opportunity to join a club of their choice.
If you would like your child to attend a club but cannot make the financial commitment, please contact Mrs Ahmed or Mrs Shahzad in the school office or email us at school@barncroft.waltham.sch.uk. All requests will be treated confidentially.
The timetable below is changed on a termly basis.
Many clubs are very popular and oversubscribed. Please encourage your child to register their interest in joining a club with their teacher at the start of term (teachers will ask children to choose) . Club letters are sent via ParentMail termly and once children select, places are allocated by the School Office. Children on the waiting list for a club will be given priority for the following term.
Children who are collected late from an after school extra curricular club may loose their place, so please collect promptly!
Our current clubs timetable is attached below.