Reception Class

Welcome to Reception Class

Our Class Teachers are Mrs Lewis and Mrs Anslow

At Barn Croft we believe that every child is a unique, we celebrate differences and encourage creativity in each child’s learning.

The EYFS learning and development requirements comprises of the seven areas of learning:

The three prime areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.

We also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.

The specific areas are: literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts and design.

At Barn Croft Primary we believe that play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems.

Three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:

Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘having a go’

Active learning – children concentrate, developing resilience if they encounter difficulties, celebrating achievements

Creating and thinking critically – children will develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop strategies for developing independence.

We value the importance of outdoor learning, giving children experiences of the natural world.

We provide a broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress, through school and life.

Early Years Curriculum

Creating a Love of Lifelong Learning

Our Early Years curriculum is designed to be creative, to develop excellent language, reading, writing, and maths skills as well as understanding of the world. At Barn Croft we follow themes in our EYFS curriculum so that children can make links between experiences in their own lives and the learning opportunities in our setting. We use high quality texts and picture books to lead the learning themes and our valued daily story time. Children are encouraged to explore and play in a well-organised, stimulating and varied environment.

The children learn through play as well as direct teaching; adults in Early Years are familiar and form positive relationships with children, making sure that pupils feel secure and supported in all areas of their learning.

In line with the Early Years Foundation Stage profile, adults plan for the children following interests and stages of development. In addition to the day to day learning in Reception, Important events and festivals in the children’s home lives and community are celebrated throughout the year.

At Barn Croft Primary we encourage every child to become self-confident and to develop a love of learning. Our Early Years team ensures that we offer every child the opportunity to thrive physically, emotionally, socially and mentally whilst learning through play.


Every child’s learning journey is documented via the online tool ‘Tapestry’ which allows parents and carers to view and comment on their child’s progress.

What to Expect in the Early Years

The DfES have funded a very useful guide for parents to explain the development stages that children may experience in their Early Years. Foundation Years

To view the Early Years new framework (statutory framework for curriculum) please follow the link.

Please click below to view the Curriculum and Meet the Teacher Power Point presentation.